Can people see my second Instagram account? Hide it using this

Here’s a question that most people have, including you; Can people see my second Instagram account?

I used to create my second account, but one thought I got was Can anyone see my second Instagram account? Because there are many people from whom I’m hiding my second IG account, I don’t want them to follow me.

If that’s your scenario, then here’s the Answer.

Can people see my second Instagram account?

I can provide some additional information to clarify the situation.

By default, your second Instagram account will only be visible to other users if they somehow come across it. Instagram does not notify or suggest your second account to your followers or contacts from your main account. However, there are a few factors that can potentially reveal your second account to others:

  1. Connected Contacts: If you use the same phone number or email address for both your main and second Instagram accounts, and someone has your contact saved in their phone or email contacts, Instagram may suggest your second account to them.
  2. Account Interactions: If you interact with other users or engage with their content using your second account, they may notice and discover your account.
  3. Profile Information: If you include identifiable information in your second account’s profile, such as your name or profile picture, people familiar with you may recognize it as your account.

MUST READ below list

To minimize the chances of your second account being discovered, you can take the following precautions:

  1. Use a Different Email or Phone Number: When creating your second Instagram account, use a separate email address or phone number that is not associated with your main account or known by the people you wish to hide your second account from.
  2. Adjust Privacy Settings: Set your account private so only approved followers can see your posts and activities. This way, even if someone stumbles upon your second account, they can only view your content with your approval.
  3. Use a Unique Username: Choose a username for your second account unrelated to your main account or your real name. This reduces the chances of others connecting the two accounts.

Remember that while these measures can help maintain privacy, there is still a possibility that someone may discover your second account through various means. It’s always important to be cautious about the information you share and the connections you make on social media platforms.

Can people see my second Instagram account?

The answer entirely depends on the number you’re using. Suppose you’re creating a second Instagram account using your second number; the only people who can find it are those with your number.

When I created my second account, and my cousin had my number on her phone, Instagram started suggesting my account to her, so I recommended it to you.

Ensure you’re not using the number others have, or at least those people you want to hide your account from.

I generally suffered a lot because of one BIG MISTAKE!!

my bad mistake gif

Something that I recently tried it and found out that it was super interesting to see that people are finding my second Instagram account, but there of limitations that you have to know:

So for this particular article, I have tried reading a new Instagram account or a new fake Instagram account for trial and testing purposes.

While creating the Instagram account, I used one of my user emails that I have previously sent you one of my Instagram, so all those people who have followed Instagram get the suggestion to follow my newly created Instagram account.

multiple instagram accounts at once

If creating a new or second Instagram account, consider the email ids or mobile numbers you use.

Because if you are using the same mobile number or email ID, then the user will likely find out about your second Instagram account because Instagram is your account to other people.

Mistake While Creating Second Account Instagram

That’s creating my second Instagram account from the same mobile number Because when I did that, it hurt when I reset the Instagram password.

Moreover, another CAN of it is people who have the number from which you created your account form will get suggestions from Instagram to follow you because they have your contact number on their device.

How can you forget this? 

Now you might have a thought Like; Then, who can I hide my second account from everyone or a few people? Then here’s a way to do that!

To Hide Instagram Account from Anyone

These are the 3 best ways to hide a second Instagram account from anyone or someone.

  • Remove the number from your profile; after creating an account, edit the profile and remove the number.
  • Block all the people from which you want to hide your account/Block those accounts you wish to hide your account from.
  • Use an Odd name and don’t follow the same people you usually follow from the main account.

Have you ever thought about what CFS mean on the Instagram platform? I know you haven’t so stay ahead in the information era.


Q: Can others see if you have multiple Instagram accounts?

Ans: Yes, If they had the phone number from which phone number they created the Instagram account, they would get the account in their suggestion feed or Contact syncing.

Q: Who can see my second Instagram account?

Ans: Only the people who saved your mobile number can see your second account.

Q: Can someone see if I have multiple Instagram accounts?

Ans: Yes, people can see if you have multiple Instagram accounts too, but for that, they might need your mobile number to be saved on their phone.

Q: Can someone see my second Instagram account?

Ans: People can see your second account if your mobile number is saved on their smartphone, then Instagram will suggest your account to them. Moreover, they can find your second account through Contact syncing.

Q: Can you tell if someone has a second Instagram account?

Ans: It is difficult to tell if someone has multiple Instagram accounts. However, it’s possible to have their mobile number saved in our phone, which they used in account creation.

I hope you find this helpful article. Today I tried to answer your query; Can people see my second Instagram account? Or Can anyone see a second Instagram account? I hope you got it. That’s all for today. Right now, share this.

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