How to Put Athlete in your Instagram Bio

Now here’s a tutorial on helping you with adding or putting athletes in your Instagram bio.

There could be a few ways to do it, so I’ll showcase all the ways to add athletes in the bio.

But for now, let’s see how to add your profession to IG Bio.

How to Add Athlete To Instagram Bio

Below sharing all the ways and proven working methods to do it.

  1. Open the Instagram app.
instagram app icon

2. Tap on the profile from the bottom.

Tap on Profile IG

3. Select edit profile.

Instagram Edit Profile Button

4. Tap on the category option.

instagram category edit tab

5. Tap the search bar and search for athletes.

search for the athlete tag there

6. Select the athlete and tap on the tick on the top right side.

select athlete tag

7. Then tap on save to edit the changes you’ve done.

Instagram category save button after selecting athlete tag

This is the so far BEST method to get the athlete tag on Instagram bio as the account category.

This question has been asked by a user who recently connected with us.

Why identifying as an athlete is essential on Instagram

Identifying as an athlete on Instagram is essential because it can help you differentiate yourself from other users in a crowded social media space. It can also help you connect with other athletes, fans, and potential sponsors interested in your sport or niche. You can also build your brand and create a recognizable image on the platform by showcasing your athletic identity.

How do you find an athlete tag for an Instagram bio?

To find the athlete account tag open the open edit menu, then select the category option given there. Afterward, select the tap on the search bar and search for athletes. Tap athlete when you find it. At last, tap on the blue tick on the top right-hand side to save the changes you have made to your IG profile.

A wise man once said You can’t find something unless you look for it.

Simply search for the tag you are looking for.

Alternate Method to Add Athlete To Instagram

It’s my pleasure to share an alternative method, so here we go.

The above way is to add an Instagram category tag, but now to add it to the natural bio.

  1. Open the Insta app.
  2. Tap on the profile.
  3. Select the edit profile.
  4. Write athletes into the bio.
  5. Save the changes.

Tips and best practices When optimizing your Instagram bio as an athlete

First, check your grammar and spelling and avoid using excessive capitalization or punctuation. You want to present yourself as a professional and credible athlete.

Consider using hashtags in your bio to help people discover your content and connect with others in your niche. Just use relevant and specific hashtags related to your sport or interests.

Examples of athlete bios Some examples of athlete bios that we find inspiring and effective include:

  • Simone Biles: “Olympic gymnast 🇺🇸 | Nike Athlete | advocate for mental health”
  • Usain Bolt: “The Fastest Man in the World | 8x Olympic Champion | 11x World Champion.”
  • Steph Curry: “Believer. Husband. Father. Proud Warrior. Philanthropist. 🏀 #DubNation.”

What makes these bios effective is that they are concise yet impactful. They highlight the athlete’s accomplishments, interests, and values while adding a personal touch. Consider adopting these examples to your brand and style.


That is how you can add the category tag to the Instagram profile. I hope you found the article helpful.

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