Why Won’t Instagram story upload? Fix [couldn’t upload] 2024

Probably you’re trying to upload a story on Instagram. Still, you can’t because Instagram can’t upload your story, and you might question, “Why won’t my Instagram story upload” or ‘How to Fix Instagram Story Couldn’t Upload 2024’. This is the problem that most Instagram users suffer nowadays. If they are using a lite app, then they suffer. 

How to Fix Instagram Story Couldn’t Upload 2024

However, here is the good news. In today’s article, I am gonna tell you ‘why I Instagram story is not uploading’ and tell you all the things you should follow when an Instagram story is not uploading. Let’s move on to fixing the Instagram story upload failed.

There is a new method that can actually help you fix the Instagram story not uploading or giving you errors while uploading.

1. Disable It On Instagram App

Simply, by default, there is an Instagram setting that is enabled, which saves your stories to the gallery. So, whenever you upload an Instagram story, it automatically gets saved into the gallery. If you’ve uploaded a picture on Instagram or are trying to upload one, it will automatically save into the gallery. To fix the issue of Instagram stories not uploading, you have to disable this setting.

archiving and downloading settings screenshot highlighted
save story to gallery on instagram enabled
turn off save to story to gallery

2. Reinstall the App

someone in youtube comments suggesting how to fix instagram story upload failed

Uninstalling the app and then reinstalling it on your phone can be really helpful to resolve issues with Instagram not allowing you to upload stories. Many people often wonder if Instagram story uploads failed.

The answer to this question lies in the accumulation of hidden cached data within the Instagram app over time. To address this issue, you need to clear the Instagram cache data, and here’s what clearing the cache does to insta.

While watching a short YouTube video related to this particular tutorial, I came across a comment that was extremely helpful and illustrated the effectiveness of reinstalling the app.

3. Check the Network

The first thing you need to realize is that whenever you can’t upload a story on Instagram, there might be a network issue that is the root of all the problems. 

So whenever you try to upload a story on Instagram, make sure that your internet is working correctly. If it is not, then try toggling on and off airplane mode and rebooting the smartphone. 

4. Try Using a Browser

chrome browser home tab opened on phone screenshot

The second thing you need to do is to upload an Instagram story from Instagram from the browser app. Sometimes apps encounter an internal bug that causes these kinds of issues. Sometimes users can’t refresh their IG Feed, and sometimes they can’t upload a story on Instagram so whenever it happens try to open Instagram in the web browser and then try to upload a story.

5. Try A Different Image or Choose a different post

If you have any stored image of any person to whom you are trying to upload a story, try capturing a new image or a new screenshot of that picture to ensure it’s a fresh file that could be uploaded to the story. 

add multiple photos

For instance, Recently, Krishna tried to figure out why Instagram won’t let her stories be uploaded, so she feels that she uploaded a story from the app by changing the image. For example, she used image ‘A’ and then moved to image ‘B‘ how it works. 

So whenever you can’t upload stories on Instagram, try using a different picture or image.

6. Give It a Movement

Imagine when you are trying to upload an Instagram story constantly, but it just keeps loading, but Instagram is not uploading the story. 

This thing mainly happens when Instagram servers are down. Here is how you can check Instagram services, whether down or up

One of the things I also noticed is that whenever you can’t upload an Instagram story, try after a specific time because maybe their service will start working. 

I tried it out myself. You should also try its very initial fix. 

That you should follow whenever you can’t upload Instagram stories or whenever the Instagram stories are not uploaded. 

Why Won’t Instagram Story Upload in 2024?

Sometimes the reason behind Instagram stories not uploading is you’re using a lite app or using the wrong picture whose size is big, and sometimes there might be network issues. There might be Instagram server issues, so try after movement and make it. 

Conclusion: Story Not Uploading

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